“The Crusade”関連情報  by Paolo

Paoloから新譜”The Crusade”に関する情報発見。だいたいこんなお話です。
「もう2~3曲出来ていて、日本に行く前にあと1~2曲出来たらな。来年の1月にはスタジオでデモCDを作って、3月のUK・欧州ツアーでは試験的に、新曲を1~2曲やりたいな。スラッシュ・メタルな曲だけど、超~イイ出来になりそう!keep metal!! \m/! Paolo」

Hello everyone!
To keep you updated on the new song situation:
We have at least 2-3 songs pretty much done, probably another 1 or 2 hopefully before Japan. We are gunna be doing pre-production in January in the studio to make the songs even better. We plan on having the CD written by then to. So we will be playing a new one or two on the March tour in the UK and Europe to test them out. Its sounding thrashy and metal! It is going to be very very epic!!!!! Anyways, keep metal!! \m/!
Paolo  Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:14 am



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