Paolo @Bass Guitar Magazine

Bass Guitar Magazine issue25Official newsにも出ていましたが、Bass Guitar magazine (UK) に、Paoloのインタビューと、1ページのレッスン記事が掲載されていました。officialに出てないレッスン記事は、部屋が片付いたらスキャンして載せます(汗)まだ旅行の片づけが・・・
Bass Guitar Magazine issue25「この最近の(UK)ツアーは素晴しかったよ。信じられない気分さ。どのショウもソールドアウトだったんだ!大勢のキッズがショウに来てくれて、すごいことだよ。」
Bass Guitar Magazine issue25「Travisとの演奏スタイルは、曲によって変化する。時折リフによって自分は固定的にリズムを刻むだけになるけれど、ほんとにそれは曲しだい。デュアル・ハーモニー・ギターの時もほとんどオレの方は変化しない。とはいえ時々は、それぞれがそれぞれの事をやってる」
「BandはオレにJason Newsted役をさせはしなかった。”Ascendancy”は様々な圧縮の融合にすぎなかった。バンドじゃないよ!そのCDには高度に圧縮されたサウンドが入ってる・・・Andy Sneap(ミキシング・エンジニア)の仕事で、彼の業績たるゆえんなんだけど。誤解しないで欲しいんだけど、そのCDは非常にいい音だけど、次に俺達が制作してるCDはもっともっとナチュラルなバランスを目指しているんだ。だから演奏した音はどんなものも逃したくない。そして次のアルバムは、全部が高速ツーバスとのユニゾン・リフと言うわけではなく、よりクラシック・ロックな味付けになると思う。スキッド・ロウとか、そういう感じ。」
「Iron Maidenのツアーのサポートが出来るなんて最高だよ!彼らは最も大きく影響を受けてるバンドの一つだから。オズフェストでは毎晩彼らのステージを見て、彼らの新曲に大興奮だったよ。
あとすばらしいのはBilly Sheehan。彼のクリニックに何度か足を運んだけど、ほんとに滑らかで早いんだ。すごくインスパイアされて、沢山のテクニックを学び、単に人々がベーシストに期待する範疇だけにとどまらないプレイを学んだ。」
「俺はBC Richのベースを使ってる。好きだし、向こうから贈ってもらえたし。これはオレのMockingbird Custom Deluxe。似たやつを”Pull Harder”のPVで持ってるけど、あれは友達から昔買ったもので、これは似てるけど違うんだよ。Triviumのインレイがついて、5弦なんだ。メイン・バックアップはNJ series Eagle。あと今はセイモア・ダンカンのエンドーズを受けていて、もうすぐストック・ピックアップをダンカンへスワップアウトする予定。また今新しいベースを作ってもらってるところで、白いBC Rich Warlockに黒トリム、ヘッドストックもニュースタイルなんだ。オレはキャリアの早い時点でBC Richを使い始め、また初めてのベースはグリーンのinnovaterだった・・・既製品だけどね。これはオズフェストでプレイしたり、UKに来る以前の話で、90年代に彼らがシーンからなりを潜めていたにもかかわらず初期の頃からすっかりハマってたというわけ。今や完全に復活したみたいだよね。」
「Kustomを紹介されるまでは、Ampegを使っていた。以前はAmpegを使っていたんだ。でもKustomにGroove1200を組み込んだものを持ってきてくれて、あるショウで使ってみてから、Kustomを使ってる。”tubeを使いたい”ってときに、Kustomのものがとってもソリッドステートで。それを使ったとき「wow…」って思った。オレは sansamp Bass driver を使ってるけど、ソロタイプのサウンドもやってみたいなぁ。例えば高圧縮のディストーションとか。」
「レッスンは沢山受けた。メタル以外のジャンルも沢山学んだ。コモドアーズのギタリストからレッスンを受けていたことがあって、ジャズやハーモニーなんかを学んだ。後になってメタルに夢中になってからも、そういった素養はいつもオレの助けになったよ。どんな音楽にもあてはまる thow chord progressions も学んだ。」


“I got a gig with Trivium by filling in for a tour slot…”
We met a long time ago as i was doing my own shows at places like Daytona and Tampa. I’d just found out that the band had lost their bass player and my own stuff was coming to an end so i thought i’d go and help the guys with a tour, but at the end of the tour they asked me to stay.
“This recent tour has been fantastic…”
Its incredible- every single show has been sold out! A lot of kids are coming to the shows and its great.
“I don’t need to change the way I play bass for these bigger shows we’re doing…”
We always approach our playing as if its a big show. Now we’re on bigger stages its a bit easier for us. The only differance is i have to make sure I can do all the movements such as running up ramps whilst playing- it’s a lively show!
“My playing style with travis can vary depending on the song…”
Sometimes the riff demands that i lock in rhythmically but it all depends on the song. I’ll lock in for the dual harmony guitar stuff a lot of the time. Sometimes though, each of us is doing our own thing.
“The band didn’t do a Jason Newsted on me; Ascendancy was just mixed with a lot of compression on it…”
Its not the band! The CD does have a very compressed sound to it- Andy Sneap [mixing engineer] did it and thats how a lot of his records are. Don’t get me wrong, the CD sounds really good but for the next CD we want to go for a much more natrual balance so that more sounds cut through, like a classic record. Theres going to be a lot more going on so we don’t want to lose anything that’s being played. And the next album isn’t going to be all fast double bass unison riffing, we might go down a more classic rock route like skid row or something.
“Supporting Iron Maiden on the tour is fantastic; they’re one of my biggest influences…”
I watched them every night on Ozzfest and I’m excited to hear their new stuff. One guys that i think is incredible is Billy Sheehan; I’ve gone to a few clinics he’s done and i love his playing, he’s so smooth and fast. That inspired me to want to learn a lot of techniques and not just play within the boundaries of what people expect the bass player to do
“I play BC Rich basses; I like them and they give it to me…”
This is my Mockingbird Custom Deluxe. I had one like this in the “Pull Harder…” video, which I bought from a friend a long time ago and this one is just like that but it has the Trivium inlay and this is a 5-string version. My main backup is a NJ series Eagle. I’m endorsed now by Seymour Duncan and I’ll soon be swapping out the stocks pickups for some Duncans. And i have a new bass being made, a white BC Rich Warlock with black trim and a new style of headstock. I went to BC Rich early on in my career and the first bass i got was a green innovater – totally off the shelf. This was before playing Ozzfest and coming to the UK so i was into them right from the start, even though they had dropped off the scene somewhat during the 90s. Now they seem to be coming right back.
“I’m using DR string now. Actually the whole band is…”
Rita, Dimebag Darrells girldfriend hooked us up with them and thats why Matt and Corey use Dean guiatrs as well. The strings are awesome because i can leave them on for more than one show whereas before I was using strings that would die in the middle of a show.
“I was using Ampeg until i was introduced to Kustom…”
I used ampeg before but i settled on a Kustom after they brought out some stuff including the Groove 1200 to one of those shows. I was like, “Hey I want to use tubes” and the kustom stuff is all like solid state, but when i used it i was thinking “wow..”. I use a sansamp Bass driver but i’d like to experiment with some soloing type sounds; distortion with lots of compression for example.
“I took a lot of lessons…”
I learnt a lot of stuff that wasn’t even metal. I had lessons from the guitarist from the Commodores so i learnt about jazz and harmony and stuff. It was later on that i got into metal but its helped me with my metal playing. I learn thow chord progressions worked, which you can apply to any music.
“Playing metal is all about practice and accuracy…”
For warm-ups I use lots of chromatic exercises using one finger per fret. I employ long reaches and warm up using patterns across the fingerboard. You can come up with patterns yourself. Move up and down as well as across the strings and use patterns to start with. I warm up for 15 – 20 minutes before the show in 3 main areas, firstly the bass, then the voice and then physical body for the energy of the show.


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