Unholy Alliance Chapter III 日程追加発表!

27 Manchester Arena, Manchester, England
28 NEC, Birmingham, England
30 Hammersmith Apollo, London, England
31 Hammersmith Apollo, London, England
2 CIA, Cardiff, Wales
3 SECC Hall 3, Glasgow, Scotland

5 Stadthalle, Offenbach, Germany
6 Palladium, Cologne, Germany
9 Schleyerhalle, Stuttgart, Germany
10 Eishallel Deutweg, Winterthur, Switzerland
11 Zenith, Paris, France
16 Gasometer, Vienna, Austria
18 Zenith, Munich, Germany
19 Columbia Hale, Berlin, Germany

マシューのコメント「Triviumは、SlayerがこのUnholy Alliance Tourに呼んでくれたことをとても光栄に思っているよ。Triviumは全員Slayerの大ファンだし、彼らの音楽や長いキャリアなんかを尊敬しているから。Slayerは真にメタルの中心的存在であり、そんな彼らとステージを共にできるということは、俺等にとっては名誉でもあり特権でもある。またMastodonとも知り合って数年になるけれど、彼らともこうして組めることを本当に楽しみにしてたんだ。」
コリーのコメント「Slayerとツアーに出るのが待ち遠しい!毎晩彼らのクラッシュが見れるし、ショウの後もSlayerやMastodonとたっぷり飲む機会があるしさ!肝臓を鍛えとかなくっちゃな・・・ スッゲーことになるぜ!」

Matthew Heafy, Trivium’s frontman commented “Trivium is honored that Slayer has invited us to tour with them on the ‘Unholy Alliance Tour.’ All of us in Trivium are diehard Slayer fans and we look up to them for their music and longevity. They are one of the true pillars of heavy metal and for us to share stages with them is both an honor and a privilege. We’ve also known the Mastodon guys for a few years and we’re definitely looking forward to hanging with them as well.” Guitarist Corey Beaulieu continues, “I can’t wait to get out on tour with Slayer so we can watch them crush every night and then have the opportunity to share many drinks with them and Mastodon after the shows! I better get my liver in shape… it’s going to be awesome!”


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