Who’s Next? でTRIVIUMが勝利!

先日来、当サイトでもご案内しておりました “Yahoo!Music” の “Who’s Next?” 投票において、TRIVIUM が得票率37%で見事勝利しました!こちらは Rock Sound と違って(笑)文句なしに認められたようです。11/28に LA の Yahoo! のスタジオで2曲のパフォーマンスとインタビューを収録済、12月に Yahoo!Music でその独占映像が見れるとのこと。Matt 曰く「ほんとにスゴイことだよ!勝てるとは夢にも思わなかった!心から光栄に思うよ。」

WHO’S NEXT – 29.11.2005
The awards and accolades keep coming in for TRIVIUM, who have just been named Yahoo! Music’s “Who’s Next?” winner for the month of December. Accumulating 37% of the votes, TRIVIUM have won an exclusive performance and interview that will available at Yahoo.com for the month of December. The band will be stopping by Yahoo!’s L.A. studios on November 28 to perform two songs from “Ascendancy”, along with taping an interview. “This is absolutely amazing,” says TRIVIUM frontman Matt Heafy. “Never in our wildest dreams did we think we would win this thing. We are honored and humbled by it.”


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