Hey everyone!
はじめての”The Crusade”北米ヘッドラインツアーもかなりの日程を消化して、今のところとてもいい調子だ!ショウに来てくれ、サポートしてくれる皆に感謝するよ!おかげで沢山いいショウができたよ。
オレ達の新譜”The Crusade”を買ってくれたみんな、ショウやサイン会に来てくれた人、ライブで新曲を熱心に聴いてくれてた人、みんなに感謝するよ。ほんとに沢山の人が新譜の歌詞をこんなに早くに覚えててくれて、スゴイことだよ。
Take care
Hey everyone!
We are a good portion into our first north american headlining tour for The Crusade and so far its been going great! thanks to all who have come out and showed their support! we have had alot of amazing shows!
Philly, Chicago, Orlando, Colorado, Toronto, Montreal ALL of the shows have been so great I cant believe it!.
Thanks to all who bought our new record The Crusade and have come out to the shows singing and getting into the new tunes live, its great to see how many people know all the words so fast!
The only hicup on the tour so far was breaking down on the highway in the middle of nowhere on the way to our show in Minnesota, we couldn’t get there in time due to the bus issues so we would like to apologize to everyone who was coming out and looking forward to the show we really wanted to be there to play but things outside our control prevented us from making it!
Playing the show would of been a million times better then sitting on the highway for 18 hours! We will come back and rock the shit out of Minnesota as soon as we possibly can! so sit tight – we will be back!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the future shows and THANKS for the support!
Take care