「MKH here boys and girls..
サポートのバンドもみんなすごくよかった。素晴らしい人々と音楽だった。The Sword, Protest The Hero, Seemless, Sanctity, Celladorの皆とこのクルセイドツアーを共に出来、楽しいひと時を過ごせたことは、本当に幸運だったと思う。全てのバンドとクルーが参加してくれたこと、そしてツアーが成功するよう熱心に仕事をこなしてくれたことに、本当に感謝している。おかげで俺達の初めてのUSヘッドラインツアーも、なんだか特別なものになったよ。
さっきも言った通り、俺達はこの金曜日にフィンランドへ飛び、最強なるアイアン・メイデンのソールドアウト・ツアー”A Matter Of Life And Death” に参加し、スカンジナビア、欧州、そしてUKをまわる。アイアン・メイデンは世界最高のバンドであり、この地球上でオレ達が最も影響を受けたバンドの一つだから、ツアーは本当に楽しいに決まっているし、楽しみでしょうがないよ。
それからまた例によって、世界中の全てのファンサイト、ウェブサイトのアドミンそしてモデレータのみんなの熱心な働きに感謝するよ。皆からのフィードバックをもらったり、一緒に仕事をするのは楽しいし、勿論みんなのサポートにも感謝しているよ。ああそうだ思いだした、Hee-Fee じゃなくて HAY-FEE だから!でもまぁいいよ! 🙂
Love ya!

MKH here boys and girls…
Finally home in Chicago for a little break before we head to Finland this Friday, we have just a little time off before we get back at it.
Well I gotta say man; at first we were very nervous about doing our first headlining tour of North America, but holy SHIT was it incredible. We saw anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand motherfuckers rocking out a night. We woulda been happy with a few friends a night, but i guess lotsa people we’re feelin like a Trivium show was the right way to spend their nights and it showed and we thank for you for coming out and supporting The Crusade tour.
The bands we brought out were so killer; great people, great music, we were really fortunate to have The Sword, Protest The Hero, Seemless, Sanctity, and Cellador on our Crusade tour, we had a really good time and thanks a million to all the bands and crews for comin out and working so hard to make things click, you all really helped make our first US headline run something special.
As I said we leave this Friday for Finland to join the mighty Iron Maiden on thier SOLD OUT World Tour for A Matter Of Life And Death, we will hit Scandanavia, mainland Europe and the UK. Iron Maiden are one of the worlds best and most influencial bands on the whole fucking planet and we know it will be a lot of fun and we are really looking forward to it.
I’m pretty braindead and beatup from our last 3 killer shows in Texas that closed the tour, what a way to end the tour (also from the early morning flight to Chicago) but I’m in great spirits cuz our (THE) CRUSADE tour rocked so hard and thank you all for making it possible.
We in the TRIV… camp can’t wait to see all you nutty motherfuckers on the next USA/ Canada tour, so till then LEARN THE FUCKIN WORDS MOTHERFUCKERRRRRSSSS (lotsa ya already do).
Well, I’ll talk to you all soon, keep hitting our sites to stay up on the latest news and info and as always thanks to ALL of our fan sites and web site administrators and moderators world-wide for working so hard for us we enjoy the feedback and working with you all and of course appreciate all of your support, oh yeah (to clear some confusion) it’s HAY- FEE not Hee-Fee, but i dont blame ya :-).
Love ya!


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