Randam Question —Kerrang! issue

Blinding Tears さんとOfficial Newsにも出ていた Kerrang! issue 1093 の Randam Question を、奇特にもテキスト化し Forum に Post した人がいましたので、頂いてきました。日本の音楽雑誌が決して質問しなそうなことしか質問されてません(笑)。どうでもいい質問ばかりだけど、彼の人柄に触れるにはいい企画。私もセロリ食べられないです(共感)。

「”South Park”のパクりをやって敬意を表したい。オレの大好きなショウの一つでね。”Fingerbang”をやらなきゃ。」
「あらゆるスーパーパワーが欲しいよ。でも『サウスパーク』の神様みたいな格好がいいや。身長2フィートの小さい、馬+うさぎ+猿に羽が生えたみたいな。魔法で悪魔を火あぶりにできるんだ。名前は『Hellspawn Warhammer Of The Nordic Wind』だね。天敵はMr.Everythingで、彼の衣装はクロッチレスの水着。」
「『’Third Rock From The Sun’(TVシリーズのこと?) からやって来た野郎じゃねえ』Byマシュー・ヒーフィー とか。あの番組ずうっと見てたよ。髪型とか、髪の分け目とか、何もかも同じにしてたさ。」

Random Question Generator
Name: Matt Heafy
Band: Trivium
■Where would you rather be punched: face, stomach or balls?
“Well definetly not the balls. That’s totally out of the question. Probably not the face either. That would be bad.
If you get your nose broken its a whole world of shit. I guess the stomach. You can defend yourself a little bit. You can tense your muscles a bit, brace your stomach for the impact and make it less painful.”
■Have you ever been punched in the stomach?
“No, but I’ve been shot in the balls with a paintball fun. Nothing got damaged but it hurt.”
■If you were a hapless victim in a horror film, how would you like to be killed?
“I’d love to be in a zombie film. I’d like to be eaten by as many zombies as possible but really brutally. I’d like to be pulled apart. Zombies ripping my legs and arms off and I’m just
screaming and my guts are being pulled out.”
■If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would you do?
“Murder. I’d go out and kill someone. Someone that deserved it. Someone that hurt someone wrongfully and got away with it, or someone that murdered someone. I’d destroy that person. Or maybe a robbery. I’d steal several hundred million dollars.”
■If Trivium were a boy band, what would you be called?
“I’d like to rip off and pay homage to “South Park”. That’s one of my favourite ever shows. I’d have to go with Fingerbang.”
■What’s the most embrassing thing that’s ever happened to you onstage?
“I’ve fallen over, that was pretty funny. I just fell for no reason. I was playing a solo and just collapsed on the ground. I made a joke about it but we were in LA so nobody laughed. They’re too cool to laugh in LA.”
■What’s the quickest way to make you spew?
“Make me eat celery. Honestly. I think something happened when I was a kid, so every time I chew it I want to throw up. It’s the only thing I can’t eat.”
■Describe the worse haircut you’ve ever had?
“When I was 12 or 13, I had like spikes with tons of gel and hairspray. I’ve had a DeNiro Mohawk too, but I have a mis-shaped head. It didn’t really work. Having a shaved head is a bad idea for me.”
■If you were a superhero, what would your name be, what would your costume be like and what powers would you have?
“I’d have every superpower ever. But I’d look like God from ‘South Park’. A little two-feet tall hippo-rabbit-monkey thing with wings. I’d be able to conjure fire demons. And my name would be Hellspawn Warhammer Of The Nordic Wind. And my nemesis would be Mr Everything. And his costume would be crotchless Speedos.”
■What would the title of your autobiography be?
“It would be called “I’m Not The Fucking Kid From ‘Third Rock From The Sun'” By Matthew Heafy. I used to get that all the fucking time. I had the same hair, the parting, the whole thing.”
■Now you mention it, I can see the resemblance.
“Yeah, great. Thanks.”


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