Shattering Update by Corey

こちらに”Shattering The Skies Above”レコーディングに関するCoreyからのUpdateが出ています。今回のヴォーカルは、ライブと同じように、Matthew、Corey、Paoloがそれぞれのパートを歌って録音したということで、これはTriviumとしては初めての試みです。新曲は、来月以降のツアーでお披露目となります。

Hey everyone just a quick update. Shattering the skies above is complete and Mark Lewis begins mixing shattering and our cover we did of Sepulturas slave new world tomorrow! we are all super stoked on how the song turned out. Be the first trivium song we have ever done that Matt, paolo and myself did vocals on , we really wanted to do the song the way we will play it live and it really brings out a new dynamic that we have never had before and we are really stoked that we finally got to give it a shot. Hopefully in the next few weeks we can get the song up for everyone to check out. Everyone that has asked yes we will be playing Shattering hte skies above at all our upcoming tour dates!!! im out keep your eyes and ears open for the debut of the song and hope you all enjoy!


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