MKH tweets about his favorite movies

アバターをやっと見たというMatthewがどわーっとまとめてつぶやいてくれましたので、またまとめてみました。今回は、無人島に持って行きたいTop5 movie、TV番組についてなど。

Just finally saw avatar. hands down, the greatest movie I have ever seen. it’s so encouraging to know that the best things in the creative universe can still be created.
so I had lots of time to think. so maybe not the best best. but pretty damn amazing. that was the initial initial reaction. had to sink in but now that were on it- what’s you faves? no order, movies only. desert island- top 5. me: Harry potter (series), lotr (series), pulp fiction, dawn of the dead (snyder), oldboy. at least that’s what it is today. inglorious basterds is amazing, panslab, mononoke.
fine fine. hp… goblet? shit… lotr 2, pulp, dawn of the dead (snyder), and old boy.
I’d mayyybeee sub dawn for matrix 1, and maybe oldboy for princess mononoke. fucking desert island.
tv top 5? sopranos, six feet under, lost, south park, Seinfeld.


books eh? preacher, watchmen, y: the last man, the dark knight returns, sin city. graphic novs baby.


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